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<  In Discussion  ~  Discussion: Revan and BJ, October 22, 2007
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 2:02 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

Joined: 04 Dec 2006
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Phil: anyway, how does it look?
Billy Recio: well, the "what are they" part is starting to take shape,
Billy Recio: but i still think they're dnd-level strong. so it still strains me to think at how they were all killed
Phil: Here's how you can think of it: Most gods started as something akin to Greater Gods: universal concepts. (cont).
Phil: Creation and the Eternal Host force them to limit themselves into a recognizable form that finite Creation can tolerate without splitting apart, and allowing the Hosts a more concrete version of the Ideal to relate to. Their power, paradoxically, downgrades to Intermediate Gods.
Billy Recio: intermediate is still very strong
Billy Recio: hextor is lesser, a tie below intermediate (albeit borderline)
Phil: Then comes the Secondborn and Worship. The Gods find that Faith is a plentiful, if not high quality source of power. They optimize themselves to harvest it and inspire it from their herds. They have more quantity of raw faith energy to work with, but the personalization ironically limits how they can spend that energy, as they are now personified aspects, becoming lesser, and eventually demi-gods.
Phil: The use of the first Godslayer Artifact becomes the turning point of this transformation, as Creation itself is forced to accept that a "god" can be killed. The emotional shockwave rips through the mortal ranks as doubt and dissension begin to spread about the true power and immortality of the masters.
Phil: When enough people believe that it is possible to kill a god, then the very force of that belief weakens the gods even more, to the point that they could be killed, as at Kal Dathra.
Phil: They could be killed, but it wouldn't be easy, as artifacts were put to play, thousands of souls burned out to fire a single charge, and unnumbered hordes were obliterated in instants. But by then, the gods were no longer truly immortal.
Phil: Wait, I need to cut and paste this online.

Billy Recio: now the waning of the godstrength is based on the godslay artifact, is that right?
Philip Corpuz: partially.
Philip Corpuz: The gods doomed themselves by accepting mortal worship, allowing themselves to be defined, personified, and affected by mortal belief, making them half-vulnerable.
Philip Corpuz: The other half would come with the first Godslayer weapon provided by the Liberators (still not sure what form this will take).
Billy Recio: they did not forsee that worship will weaken them? I know they're not all-knowing, but a lot of them still have supra-intelligence
Billy Recio: meaning the possibility must have occured to them
Philip Corpuz: It's like an arm's race. Remember at this time that the gods were fighting each other for creation
Billy Recio: not to mention storng divination..
Philip Corpuz: "Sure, we know this might weaken us in quality, but now God X has a 30,000 strong herd of worshippers channelling ergs of energy! Sure, all he can do with it is fire divine blasts, and I can stop those, easy, but now he can fire 1,000 divine blasts nonstop! I can only stop a few hundred of those before I burn out!"
Billy Recio: ah, but arms race with divination is different. radically so that we shoudln't discuss it.
Billy Recio: >
Billy Recio: but, point.
Philip Corpuz: Occultation. Gods can cloak some of their intent, right?
Billy Recio: but future events. that is different.
Philip Corpuz: Or at least their divinations can interfere with each other to the point that in all but the most imba examples, its negated, right?
Billy Recio: we disagree. their divinations already assume another's divinations, and as such that is why deities very rarely fight each other at all.
Billy Recio: if you will win with certainty you want to fight
Billy Recio: the other does not even engage...
Billy Recio: and now we're discussing it. this could cause serious headaches for us int14 mortals...
Philip Corpuz: hehe
Billy Recio: in any case, say we take away their divination.
Philip Corpuz: or at least the most extreme examples of it.
Billy Recio: then a lot of those things vanish, doesn't it? gods could be duped, etc etc
Philip Corpuz: yep
Billy Recio: duped by mortals even
Philip Corpuz: remove their baby omniscience and the story fits better.
Billy Recio: that's what im getting at. im being too "mathematician" about this, but i think we should well define what they could and can not do.
Billy Recio: which makes some sort of sense, eg, Corellon and Gruumsh met once upon a time, di ba?
Billy Recio: whereas they avoid it now, knowing full well that at their current form, :consored: they don't want will happen if they fight
Philip Corpuz: And I'm being too "negative capability" with this right now, in feeling that we should have a canvas that individual DMs and players can work with.
Philip Corpuz: true.
Billy Recio: what we need, is a separate discussion for the other parts
Billy Recio: right now kasi, the dead gods are the juiciest parts of the
Philip Corpuz: true.
Philip Corpuz: We need kingdoms
Philip Corpuz: races
Philip Corpuz: Art
Philip Corpuz: I'm trying to hook my brother on the art side as this is right up his alley, he's interested.
Billy Recio: godbones seed, so everybody wants to clear it up. It will come in time, and most things we won't even bother to explain (or will withold)
Billy Recio: to players, about the gods that is.
Billy Recio: let me try my hand at the look &feel
Billy Recio: currently, I have this idea that the world would have exploded without the gods
Philip Corpuz: yeah. I'm thinking some blasted wastelands, ala Darksun meets WH40k.
Philip Corpuz: Ah!
Philip Corpuz: Wait, interesting.
Billy Recio: except, the fey somehow held it all together.
Philip Corpuz: And then the gods and mortals moved in...and all hell breaks loose at Kal Dathra.
Philip Corpuz: Wait, that works, though if so, divine power shouldn't have degraded as badly.
Billy Recio: it did, it did! for somehow, the integration of the deities as
Billy Recio: "masters of creation"
Billy Recio: tied them to the world
Philip Corpuz: ah, as they get weaker, the fey have to do more work, and then you have a sudden collapse, and the fey are overwhelmed.
Philip Corpuz: no, wait, go on
Billy Recio: as worship ties them to mortals! it should have been a grand cycle...
Billy Recio: but then they became extinct...
Philip Corpuz: wait, explain the tripartite cycle again, how do gods, fey, and mortals fit in?
Billy Recio: many fey died trying to restore order
Billy Recio: order~natural way
Philip Corpuz: not so much order as balance. yes, nature
Billy Recio: until some fey began to speculate that the death of creation is "natural". Let it die! and from it shall rise new Creation
Billy Recio: thus, Seelie and Unseelie
Billy Recio: Seelie try to restore growth, now without half it's force
Billy Recio: fail spectacularly...
Philip Corpuz: hehe. Nice.
Billy Recio: until they realize somthing
Billy Recio: what we do works not. but not because we are incorrect
Philip Corpuz: but because it was meant to be?
Billy Recio: it is because we fail to see, that our magic works much stronger in this patch of land
Philip Corpuz: can you copy paste this last part, dad's requisitioning the PC. go on, last few before I bug out.
Billy Recio: which so happened to be the place we buried Nature god 200 years ago after Kal Dathra
Billy Recio:
Billy Recio: remember, fey, if anything, pride themselves on being the first to do :consored:, whether they warrant it or not
Billy Recio: ~from us first came gods
Billy Recio: ~from us first came mortals, with gods' consent
Billy Recio: ~1st to toil
Billy Recio: ~1st to weep the gods' death
Billy Recio: ~hell, if these undead hating spirits claim to have thought mortal Orcus necromancy, they might as well claim first, though unwitting, godstone use..
Philip Corpuz: though the eternals will dispute that, and the gods themselves also will, if they were still out to dispute it. Still, yes, from the fey point of view they were first.
Billy Recio: fey are always first. in their view. some of it might actually be true. by channeling their power through the burial ground of the nature deity, they were finally able to bring world into a slow healing phase.
Billy Recio: they were using godstones and didn't even know it.
Philip Corpuz: The Eternals will still claim that they were the Firstborn, the first, truly sentient, non-divines. The fey, they claim, were little better than plants or animals, unenlightened, unsentient, unfeeling and thinking. They merely existed, while the Eternals sprang full-grown in their glory from the minds of the gods. Or so the Eternals claim. The fey merely patterned themselves after the superior form (take that with a grain of salt).
Billy Recio: i have to edit them despising all deities (they at least should have respected nature god, if they buried him)
Philip Corpuz: g'nite
Billy Recio: but if you allow me to tinker with it, it becomes a good aftermath story.
Philip Corpuz: pa-copy paste. and sure, I like the Treelord-fey bond.

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