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<  Proposal  ~  Locations: Ilawith
Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:29 pm  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

Joined: 29 Aug 2007
Posts: 693

Okay. I have a rough working draft for my article. I do kind of need notes on Ilawith since mine seem to have disappeared.

Particularly on the ff. aspects

External and internal threats
Story Hooks


Anyways...how's everyone's articles coming along?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 5:09 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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I'll get to working. I'll see what I can post on Ilawith tonight.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 7:13 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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In bullet-point!


-Ilawith was never the name of the forgotten deity whose bones are suspended over the dome like a guiding sun. Rather, the city was founded by Illana Aw'yth, an eladrin Cleric/Mage who served an equally forgotten god during the Godfall War.

-Illana was only 22 when the gods fell, but as she wielded divine power, she was hunted down by the Redeemers for the next few centuries of her forsaken life. She eventually was cornered among with her last remaining bodyguards (being of other races, these bodyguards are already descendants of people sworn to protect Illana). But as they prepared to deliver their judgement, a choir of silent angels flew out and defended Illana and the others. She would then be surprised with the amount of divine power the angels wielded, something that has been absent since the War.

-The angels would defend Illana's company, but at the cost of their own lives. In the end, the last angel was able to show Illana the godstone with which they drew their power from. It then fell to the ground, reached for the stars in futility, and dissipated into mist. It never said a word.

-With enough study, old Illana was able to harness the godstone, and with a semi-conscious will, erected the dome to protect the eladrin and her company. It then suspended itself upon the center of the dome, and bathed the safe haven in a warm, loving light.

-Illana spends the rest of her days teaching her bodyguards how to harness the power from the godstone. She also commands the interior of the dome painted in the image of angels reaching for the stars, to remember the silent choir. To this day, her bones lay in a sarcophagus directly beneath the Ilawith godstone.

-Her bodyguards, now calling themselves the Ilawith Clergy, lived a pacifistic lifestyle, secure in the protection of the Dome. They retained their martial ability, but merely practiced it to defend their dome from ill-willed outsiders. They know nothing about gods.

-Eventually, people came to know about Ilawith, and even though the area outside the dome became particularly dangerous, the inside remains the safest place in all of the world. It is now roughly 2 centuries since the passing of Illana, and the city continues to prosper.


-Theocracy in the loosest sense of the word. The clergy have become more politician than divine. Indeed, only about 2/3rds of them are attuned to the Ilawith godstone.

-Barony: At one point, the baron was known as the archbishop, but it was changed half a century ago to show their responsibilities in more detail. The clergy governs the city, but the baron heads (informally) its defense.

-Council: Elected from the clergy, the Council leads them and the city in general. They act, but their actions can be vetoed by the baron. Members of the Council are called Bishops, or Councilman/woman if they are not attuned to the godstone.


-Defers to the baron the same way the AFP defers to the president.

-Very focused on the defense of Ilawith. Think Azorius knights.


-CAMPAIGN SECRET! The dome of Ilawith is not a dome but a sphere, it's lower half hidden beneath the ground. There is also a set of green godstones, known to the reptiles as the lizardbones, wherein they draw divine power. It is unclear as to why the Ilawith godstone sought to include the underground inside its protection. Worth noting is that while the Ilawith godstone induces a sense of defense and light, the lizardbones in direct contrast induce aggression and darkness.

-The Monastery of the Sun is located somewhere close to Ilawith. The Nagthari regard the Ilawans with disdain, having similar light-oriented godstones. They even fight once in a while, but due to the pacifistic nature of Ilawith, nothing full-scale has occurred.

-Some theorize that Ilawith's relative safety occurs because the godstone pushes away the discord into the area outside it. The area around Ilawith is very unstable, and some even speculate that it is a portion of the Elemental Chaos already.


-This one I haven't quite figured out. Ilawith is safe, therefore it should be rich... Right? @__@


-The Ilawith dome is cracking. No truth value whatsoever, but people talk about it a lot. Especially as the area around the dome has been more hostile as of late. Add in the earthquakes, and they're really talking. (The earthquakes are due to the reptiles becoming more aggressive, not because of the dome)

-The bones of Illana have crystallized into a godstone: Godstone shards, maybe. In any case, no one opens the sarcophagus, though the council is permitted to do so with a valid reason.

To be fleshed out

-Locations: The Damaged Dwarf is the only location I have so far. Maybe the main temple/City Hall is at the center, built around the corpse of Illana. The style itself should be kind-of Holy Roman empire, though lessen the grandeur.

-NPC's. gareth actually has some good tidbits of Ilawith people. We just need to breathe life into them.


That's what I have so far. If you want to change anything, feel free to do so. But do tell me first so it'll be consistent with my PBP. I think, in particular, the government system is the thing in most need of fixing.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:30 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Split thread.

EDIT: Stickied. This is a priority article.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:47 pm  Reply with quote
Master of None

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Ilawith CD feat idea:

Heartening Light
Encounter * Divine
Minor Action Personal
You gain a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

1/enc total defense as a minor action Razz

Comments and suggestions are always welcome

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:55 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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My immediate comment is to have him able to cast this on an ally, too.

Although, we could do this stick where the Illaw's are out to protect themselves only...

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:13 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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This is the basic pattern for the Ilawith article, I believe. I like it in that it's mostly a fluff article, but also presents good player choices.

For fluff, I also suggest the Fallcrest chapter in the DMG. Also, a question: Do you need more info on the Lizardbones? Or can you wing it?

For tech, I believe what we must focus on are;
*stats for some NPCs. Councilwoman Keiri and her bodyguard is one, as well as (if I shift him to NPC-hood) the Deacon of Daggers. I don't have a fixed level, but they should be high heroic at most.
*Cleric powers. It doesn't have to be at every level. Just a few options for heroic to early paragon will do.
*Paladin powers. Same as the above.
*A paragon path (last priority): I'm under the impression that the first issue, while having some Paragon support, will focus mostly on the heroic tier. TheParagon stuff are just there to help someone who thinks ahead plan out what they'll do in Bonethrall.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:53 am  Reply with quote
Master of None

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We'll probably start thinking for the powers, and possibly the NPCs. I've assigned oghma to do the Ilawith PP.

Ok, what do you plan for the Illawith be their "favored" weapon group/s? or their style of combat? We need it to know what powers to design.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:27 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Their powers will be defensive in nature. A pally PP would be most interesting, I believe. Alternatively, a defender PP that has Prayers.

How about something called Illana's Guard? Freelance Defenders who are called to service whenever the bones of Illana are in jeopardy.

Other powers would mostly be divine, and again of a defensive nature. Chances are, their attacks would be on the low end of the damage spectrum.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:20 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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I'm not yet completely happy with this one, but I'm tossing it in anyway, so that we have something to work with.

Shard-Bejeweled Shield (Lvl8+?)
This shield is studded with godstones. While it looks merely ornamental, its divine attunement makes it a better at protecting yourself.
Lvl 8 +2
Lvl 13 +3
Lvl 18 +4
Lvl 23 +5
Lvl 28 +6
Item Slot: Arms
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls (see property, below)
Property: You may use this shield as an implement for your prayers.
Property: If you are attuned to Ilawith and use the total defense action, you gain a bonus to all defenses equal to the enhancement bonus of this weapon instead of the normal bonus granted by the action.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:04 am  Reply with quote
Master of None

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Hmm.. an arms slot implement.. neat Very Happy

I'm sort of disappointed that at lvl 8, your total defense action won't benefit yet. But it works nonetheless.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:21 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Hmm. Well then, we could make it level 13 up instead. Razz I just wanted a heroic tier magic item, as issue #1 is all about the heroic tier with a dash of paragon only.

As for the property, do you think it's too strong? I mean, chances are, it'll go to the defenders...

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:26 am  Reply with quote
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How about making it a named bonus instead of replacing the normal bonus of total D (+2), since iirc there are many properties that increase total D. (the one in AV, can't remember). How about item bonus?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:34 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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That could work... Care to put it into wording? I want to see how it looks.

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Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:07 am  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

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Possible flavor reason for Ilawith being rich: taxes from trade. It's like an oasis. It really is the only way for Ilawith to be rich since the outside is so unstable.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:41 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Updates on this end? Fluff wise and the PP?

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:54 pm  Reply with quote
Ancient Dragon

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It will all be finished come friday night. I'm mulling over it while juggling my acads stuff.

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Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:45 pm  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

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Should have a working fluff draft by Monday.

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Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 2:10 am  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

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Rough first draft. 1369 words. x_x


Round the Dome, Tales of Ilawith


Yllenna climbed the hill doggedly. She was dirty, caked in soil and blood, and her clothes were tattered. A hastily bandaged leg gave her a slight limp. The instability of the landscape did not help either. She stumbled as the ground shifted, shook and crumbled around her. She did not know if she would survive. They had taken everything from her.
The goblins had swept their camp by surprise, overwhelming the little sentry they had. It was a massacre. There had been too much confusion. Unable to organize, they were felled where they stood with some dying as they put on their armor.
She was, as far as she could tell, the only survivor.
She reached the crest of the hill. The silver dome loomed before her. Her eyes widened despite herself. It really was as beautiful as they said it was.
It stood there, a serene pearl in the middle of a chaotic ocean. It promised her safety. She cried in relief. It was finally over.
She had finally reached Ilawith.

A Kind of Alchemy

Dale muttered sullenly, as he waited his turn. If there was one thing he hated it was the Ilawith guard. There was something incredibly unnatural about gate guards that couldn’t be bribed. It was against the laws of nature! But then again, everything about the place was unnatural, he thought. He hated Ilawith.
It took some time before he finally reached the gates. He was ushered before a bureaucrat, resplendent in his clerical clothes, as he sat on a small table beside the gate. The people of Ilawith were ruled by the clergy though the term was misleading—they had all the trappings of religion without a proper god. Dale approved of that at least even as he daydreamed of strangling the man behind the small desk.
“Your name?”
“Dale Ashcroft if it please you, m’lord,” he said with his snake oil merchant voice. He was only a low ranking member of the clergy but a little flattery never hurt.
“And your purpose for entering our city?”
“Just passing through.”
“Are you a merchant then?”
“Indeed I am. Carting off spices, smoke grass and a number of other trinkets,” he said.
The official nodded, scribbled a few things on a parchment and handed it to him. “You are to store your goods in this warehouse. Some of the guardsmen will come over to inspect them to ensure you are not smuggling any contraband. A necessary precaution I’m afraid. Fear not, we will not confiscate your property and we will of course compensate you well if ever you sell us anything we require.”
“Very good, m’lord,” he said. He bowed respectfully and excused himself. His little train waited at the back. He went to them grumbling all the while. The storage space and the inspections were all well and good but Ilawith charged ridiculous taxes to rest in the city for a few days. Sure, they had little to no actual products given the unstable nature of the surrounding area but it was still piracy even if they did pay well for food and drink.
It was a crime. They were making a killing out of him and Dale begrudged people getting rich if he was not getting a cut in some way or another.
It just wasn’t right.

Catching Whispers

Councilman Korii leaned forward on the table at the priest standing in attention. “Are the people still restless?” he asked the lower ranking clergyman.
The man nodded, looking at a clipboard. “I’m afraid so, councilman,” he said. “We still don’t know who started it but some people still believe that the dome is cracking.”
“Never mind tracing the source,” he whispered. “You might as well chase after living gods for all the good it will do you. Still this is a serious matter. A restless populace is never good.” He stood from his desk and looked out the window. Overhead the godstone shone outward, illuminating the seven angels painted on the side of the dome and the city within.
“Reassure them that the godstone protects us still. The dome is not cracking.”
“It shall be as you say m’lord.”
“You are dismissed.”
Korii furrowed his eyebrows. He wondered which group was responsible for the rumors. The world outside was unsafe, rife with conflict and jealousy. Ilawith had to be protected from that. It was the only haven left.

To Protect the City

Captain Krauser pushed his telescope away, covering his eyes as a column of flame shot up twenty feet high a hundred paces away. When the flash subsided, he returned the lens to his eyes. There were people slumped around from where the flame had ripped from the ground. The sight had made him all the more thankful for the patch of stable ground the clerics had provided for his unit.
“Send a rider out,” he told the nearest soldier. “I want to know who these people are and why they’re here.”
“Aye, Captain.”
The rider galloped back to the waiting group of soldiers. The mass of people behind him stared at him sullenly, as they huddled together, trying to protect each other from the unstable ground surrounding Ilawith.
The man hopped from his saddle and approached the captain, knuckling his breast in salute. “They’re as we suspected, sir—refugees from the fighting in the west.”
The captain looked at the ragtag band and grimaced. “Send them away,” he ordered. “They’ll only bring trouble to the city.” The man nodded, as if the captain had not just condemned hundreds of people to their death. “Ride close to make sure they don’t try anything stupid. Kill anyone who tries to make a run for it.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” they shouted in unison, as they made for their horses. Krauser extended his telescope again to watch his men work. The ground began to tremble.

Growing Safety

Illana craned against the stone, muttering to herself. Lucas, her aide, hovered warily around the aged Eladrin. Illana had always been a hard worker but she was old now and her body was finding it hard to cope with the strain she subjected it to. Still, the progress she made was amazing and the young man suspected that it was what little control she possessed over the divine source of power that gave her such vitality.
“I think…I think I’ve got it,” Illana said in an almost whisper. Her eyes glazed over and she swept her hand forward. The power source began to glow a warm white light, bathing the room entirely.
The ground shook around them. At first, Lucas thought that it was another earthquake. “Look at that!” someone outside shouted, breaking his preconception. He ran outside. Around their settlement, a dome was forming. He looked back towards Illana. She was floating backward; being pushed out of the building, as the source began to rise, still glowing like a white sun. It crashed through the roof and continued upwards, rising in step with the dome until the whole structure surrounded the city with the source in the middle.
“Illana!” Lucas shouted, catching Illana as the elderly Eladrin fell over from her trance.
“Where’s safe now,” the elderly woman said smiling.

Unwelcome Visitors

The ground shook underneath the ancient city of Ilawith. As the earthquake stopped, people ushered out to see what had happened. Earthquakes never occurred in Ilawith.
Though clouds of dust obscured their vision, the screams were more than enough to tell the onlookers that something was not right.
“Get the lot of ‘em for the lizardbonezz!” a draconic voice said in heavily accented common. The city was being invaded by Kobolds.
The fighting went on for a day and half. Finally the Kobolds were pushed back to the source—a cave revealed by the earthquake. The guard had been quick to cordon the area off but were reluctant to send there own inside.
A call for adventurers was made…

Sanctuary II

Yllenna stood before the dome. There was a line by the gate—a train of merchants had just arrived. She made for the line, eager to get to safety.
She wondered what kind of place Ilawith was…

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Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:11 am  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

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Posts: 693

On the subject of the Lizardbones: I propose we defer from explaining what the Lizardbones is exactly until we return to Ilawith in a future issue.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:53 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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I agree with that, AAS.

Oh, Updated the Approved thread. Feel free to do some tweaking yourself there, AAS. You are E-I-C. Wink

Nosfecatu Publishing
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:54 am  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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I seriously need to see this Paragon Path already. Post a draft, even an incomplete one, soon. We can't help finish it if we can't see it.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:43 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Evil or Very Mad

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 2:57 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Paragon Path, oghma. Where is it? February's almost done, and I haven't even seen a twinkle.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:06 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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Aur Ain Soph wrote:
Okay. I have a rough working draft for my article. I do kind of need notes on Ilawith since mine seem to have disappeared.

Particularly on the ff. aspects

External and internal threats
Story Hooks


Anyways...how's everyone's articles coming along?

What else needs to be worked on here?

Nosfecatu Publishing
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:36 pm  Reply with quote
He Who Founds Wyrmlings

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AAS, please start getting this moving. Do you like how the fluff currently is? (check out what I ported over to the approved thread) If so, hand it over to the tech team for tech support.

Remember our appointed deadline. Wink

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Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:43 am  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

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Still working on one last paper for class. *yawns* And then I won't be around till Monday. I should be free to start cleaning up the Ilawith article then. Any status on Ohgma's side of the job?

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:12 pm  Reply with quote
Ancient Dragon

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It'll be up during the holy week. I now have a lot of free time due to not being able to enroll this summer.

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Aur Ain Soph
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:27 pm  Reply with quote
Very Old Dragon

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Status: I'm working on the quick DM's guide now. Also, if there's an idle member of tech team who can make sample threats and NPCs that would be great.

Also: quick recap. The cities near Ilawith are...?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:46 am  Reply with quote
Master of None

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Aur Ain Soph wrote:
Status: I'm working on the quick DM's guide now. Also, if there's an idle member of tech team who can make sample threats and NPCs that would be great.

Shouldn't oghma be handling that?

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